
In Luxembourg, we measure the value of any technology through its potential to positively impact all citizens.

AI campus competition

As AI’s crucial role in tomorrow’s data economy became apparent, we worked to fuel an AI ecosystem & position society to thrive. Our partnership with Germany’s AI learning platform KI (Künstliche Intelligenz) Campus extends from that strategy. Each year, KI Campus sends out a call for innovative online learning programs that can be hosted on its platform. Now, projects from Luxembourg can enter the competition too.

giving society more AI learning options

A panel of science, civil and professional experts assess the 100+ projects submitted by colleges, research institutes and businesses across Germany and Luxembourg. Proposals can suggest pure online courses or integrated online-offline solutions. Ideally, they’ll embrace a didactic, flexible format that can be tailored to various settings and embedded into curricula. These online courses tend to be either self-paced or fixed and supervised, consisting of multimedia units and progress measurements, e.g. quizzes. The notion of inclusive learning runs throughout the competition as it strives to give all individuals access to AI learning solutions that suit them.

join the KI-Campus