Some twenty government agencies and State services have been working together with players from the private sector to gather on the "Logistics Portal" a comprehensive set of information for use by economic operators who are active in the domain of logistics and international trade.
That information portal brings together, in a single centralised location, information concerning the services offered by the Administration des Douanes et Accises (Customs and Excise Agency), the Administration de l'Enregistrement et des Domaines (Indirect Tax Authority), the Administration des Services techniques de l'Agriculture (Administration of Agricultural Technical Services), the Administration des Services vétérinaires (Administration of Veterinary Services), the Administration de l'Environnement (Environment Agency), the Office des Licences (Licensing Office), the Division de la Sécurité alimentaire (Food Safety Unit), the Division de la Radioprotection (Radiation Protection Department), STATEC, the Chamber of Commerce and others. It is aimed in particular at:
- promoting Luxembourg as European logistics hub;
- showcasing the multimodal platforms and high added-value services offered by our companies;
- explaining the various steps to be taken in establishing or developing logistical nactivities in Luxembourg;
- simplifying the administrative formalities connected with the import, export and transit of goods.
The Logistics Portal is available in French and English, and can be accessed at the web address The website has been set up with the technical support of the Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'État (State Information Technology Centre – CTIE), and interacts with the State administrative guide "".
The setting-up of the information portal is part of the Government's "Single Window for Logistics" programme, which is coordinated by the Ministry of the Economy and
implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, the Customs and Excise Administration, the CTIE as well as
the Cluster for Logistics and its members. It is also aligned with the national strategies "Einfach Lëtzebuerg" and "Digital Luxembourg".
The multiannual "Single Window for Logistics" programme aims at simplifying and digitising exchanges of data between all actors involved in the logistical chain. Several procedures have already been digitised to submit applications for official certificates, for example those concerning food products, plants, wood and live animals.