The S.à.r.l.-S allows entrepreneurs in Luxembourg to start their own company from 1 euro onwards. Contrary to the classic S.à.r.l. statute, you don't need a capital of 12,000 euros to start your own company. So, with a budget of between 1 and 12,000 euros, anyone can now embark on an entrepreneurial adventure.
The objective of this new form of commercial enterprise is to foster entrepreneurship — and thus innovation — in the country and to reduce administrative and financial constraints hitherto linked to this procedure.
The new S.à.r.l.-S:
- may be constituted as a private deed, i.e. without the intervention of a notary,
- is not under the obligation of changing into a standard S.à.r.l. after a certain number of years,
- is open exclusively to physical persons,
- is accessible to entrepreneurs whose activities do not need infrastructures or large investments,
- cannot be associated with the same person more than once,
- only concerns activities for which a business permit is necessary,
- dissociates personal assets from the assets of the company.
This new statute for the country's entrepreneurs instills a new dynamic to a public that would perhaps not dare to launch a classic S.à.r.l. e.g. through lack of budget. It also allows to increase Luxembourg's competitiveness in this matter.
If you would like to start your business as a simplified limited liability company, the House of Entrepreneurship, launched in October 2016, is a single point of contact dedicated to entrepreneurs which will answer all of your questions on the matter.