10th edition of Luxembourg's infrastructure group

As part of the Digital Luxembourg initiative, created by the Luxembourg Government back in 2014, we organize on regular basis seminars around digital infrastructure topics.


The purpose of these “infrastructure group” seminars is to bring people and ideas together and exchange on emerging and existing infrastructure-related topics. So far nine such seminars have been organized, most of the time in the beautiful surroundings of the Senningen castle.

Already back in 2016, the emerging topic of HPC was covered, discussing and outlining what Luxembourg’s ambitions would become. What was an exchange on the HPC topic back then, turned in 2020 into a reality with the Meluxina and Luxprovide initiatives. As the Ultra High Broadband strategy of the Luxembourg Government for the 2010–2020 period was halfway, that topic was discussed and updated based upon facts and figures.

Some four years ago, we addressed as the first ones in Luxembourg the emerging topic of civil UAV’s (in popular wording: drones)  with the Digital Luxembourg Infrastructure group. We brought all the stakeholders together from the private and public sectors and exchanged integration models with an Australian professor.

We moved with the Digital Luxembourg infrastructure group to the University campus of Belval for a seminar on Artificial Intelligence, GPU’s and data centers. That proved to be fully booked. Out of this seminar emerged the first European partnership with Nvidia and the creation of the Joint AI laboratory in Luxembourg. An evolving partnership which resulted in training so far some 160 persons with the basics of Computer Vision, Kuda, etc…. This collaboration worked out so well that another seminar was organized around this Nvidia collaboration with the Luxembourg Government.

The last couple of seminars of the Digital Luxembourg infrastructure group focused on 5G, the new hot topic in Luxembourg’s tech world. Prior to the first commercial networks going live in 2020, we discussed and exchanged strategy and vision with world-class speakers.

From December 13th till 17th 2020, we will go for the first time online with our seminars and organize a webinar spread over 4 days with four 1-hour sessions around the theme of “Luxembourg, a Pan-European Ultra-High Broadband and 5G hub”. This is an invitation-only event for a maximum of 100 participants. We still have a few “digital seats” available. So if you like to join, please send an email today to 5G@smc.etat.lu and we will do our best to get you onboard next Monday, December 14th  at 11.30 am for the first session.

digital luxembourg, a movement made by you