a national AI vision that prioritizes people

Luxembourg’s government defines its strategy vision for artificial intelligence

Mai 24, 2019; Luxembourg’s government has made its vision for AI known via a newly published strategy report that promises, first and foremost, a human-centric approach.

The “Strategy Vision for Luxembourg” was jointly drafted by Digital Luxembourg, a government initiative that strengthens and unifies the country’s digitalization efforts, and Luxinnovation, the national innovation agency, with valuable input from public and private experts.

The starting point of a process without a finish line, this vision is a framework for action and a springboard for new policies. Acknowledging the speed of AI’s arrival, the report articulates the government’s intention to actively shape, drive and leverage this life-changing technology. It aligns with Luxembourg’s three digital ambitions:

  • Be among the most advanced digital societies in the world, & especially in the EU
  • Become a data-driven & sustainable economy
  • Support human-centric AI development

While Luxembourg may lack its own large-scale datasets, it benefits from strong, specialized applied AI research that can be of tremendous value to the world. Thanks to its already robust ICT infrastructure, ecosystem and funding, it continues to grow and leverage that niche.

According to the report, Luxembourg will invest further in the development of strategic partnerships and boost cross-border collaborations, serving as a convenient hotbed of high-quality testing facilities and researchers.

Additionally, the Grand Duchy’s agility, size and advanced technologies make it an ideal living laboratory for AI-driven applications, which can be rapidly approved and rolled out.

While leading the charge in research and development, the government will emphasize the importance of establishing new standards regarding ethical guidelines, privacy regulations and security measures, ensuring that the data-heavy AI industry respects human rights.

Luxembourg’s citizens can expect to see public services improve as modern AI solutions are integrated. To ensure that AI can best serve all of society, skills training opportunities will help position everyone to equally benefit from the transforming business environment.

The Ministry of State has been assigned a multidisciplinary coordination group to regularly assess the vision, while an advisory committee of experts in science, law, technology, humanities, ethics and sociology will offer their insights on subsequent projects and actions. Through upcoming policy consultations, members of the public can participate in shaping the country’s AI direction.

As noted by Prime Minister Xavier Bettel in his introduction: “The digital movement has brought with it unprecedented amounts of data, but it is only valuable if we can extract value from it.”

In Luxembourg, AI’s value will be measured by how it impacts the human lives it touches and steered by this vision in a direction that is beneficial to all.

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