First edition of the 'Make@on'

Successful pilot edition of the Make@on on Saturday, 9 April at the ‘Base1’ makerspace at the Forum Geesseknäppchen.

As part of the Government’s ‘BEE CREATIVE’ initiative, the first ‘Make@on’ – a marathon for young creatives – was held on Saturday, 9 April 2016. For this first edition, several teams of young people developed and produced their own remote-controlled hovercraft.

Each team devoted the time between 2 and 8 p.m. to designing and constructing their prototype. The challenge combined DIY work, electronics, prototyping and assembly. The participants, all between 8 and 28 years old, were accompanied by a number of experts and had the benefit of the professional equipment available at the ‘Base1’ makerspace.

This first ‘Make@on’ was a resounding success. The young people were able to deepen their knowledge and develop their own ideas in one of the country’s makerspaces. The ‘Base1’ makerspace offers a wide range of workshops open to all young people. Its offer is set out in detail on its website at

The ‘Make@on’ was organised by the National Youth Service in partnership with the Red Cross youth centres in Steinfort and Koerich.

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