Government and the ICT sector committed to moving digital transformation forward

On 10 July 2017, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, the Minister of the Economy Etienne Schneider and the Minister of Finance Pierre Gramegna welcomed the representatives of ICTluxembourg.

This meeting, which takes place annually as part of the collaboration on the "Digital Luxembourg" initiative, provides an opportunity to take stock of the work carried out and the actions to be taken for the development of the digital sector.

The Government underlined the importance of collaboration and exchanges between the public and private sectors in order to advance the Luxembourg economy and to support the development of the ICT sector.

In addition, ICTluxembourg welcomed the various initiatives taken by the government, including:

  • The important project of common European interest (IPCEI) in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) coordinated by Luxembourg;
  • The setting up of the Digital Tech Fund, whose first investments have just been announced;
  • The adoption of the Law of 17 May 2017 on the renewal of research, development and innovation aid schemes: this will make it easier to obtain RDI aid, in particular for young innovative companies
  • The passing of the Law of 8 March 2017 amending the Law of 29 August 2008 on the free movement of persons and immigration as amended will allow companies to recruit third-country nationals more easily
  • The creation of the Luxembourg House of Financial Technologies – LHoFT: it will enable the development of the FinTech ecosystem to be stimulated
  • The adoption of the Law of 23 May 2016 on free access to public data – “open data”, which allows the development of services by third-party providers
  • The launch of the "Cyber Security Competence Center" (C3): it will offer training and be a test tool available for new software
  • The formulation of a draft law for a new "IP Box" regime: it will enable new investment based on the creation of intellectual property to be attracted
  • Expanding public offer in terms of education, including the creation of public international and European schools
  • The launch of the “Infrachain” initiative, which is capitalizing on the Luxembourg ecosystem for the creation of a regulated blockchain platform
one movement, many minds