Journée eduSphere: the digital future of education

A diverse lineup of inspiring talks, innovative workshops and lively discussion panels awaited some 300 eager participants at the third journée eduSphere - an annual event in Luxembourg that brings digital technology to the forefront of education.

The full-day program included fun, practical workshops showing how digital media and technology can be used both effectively and profitably. With themes ranging from the educational use of YouTube and Facebook, digital storytelling and Big Data, to eBook creation, Minecraft for Education and Lego Mindstorms, there was something for everyone. Robotics, coding and comic strip creation also featured on the eclectic agenda which aimed to unlock creativity, showcase useful teaching material and demonstrate the boundless possibilities of digitalization in modern education.

Guest speakers at the event included Marc Durando (Executive Director of European Schoolnet), Christian Lamy (Deputy Director of SCRIPT) and Professor Ulrich Weinberg (Director of HPI School of Design Thinking).

In his keynote speech, Weinberg highlighted the importance of creativity, collaborative project assignments and team spirit as crucial elements at the very core of the school system.

live the movement