Launch of the GovTech Lab and its first call for solutions 'Bye Bye Robots!'

The Ministry of Digitalisation presented the concept of the new GovTech Lab of the Luxembourg Government and launched the Lab's first call for solutions entitled 'Bye bye Robots!'. This presentation had a very particular format since it was the first press conference of the Luxembourg Government held entirely by videoconference.

The GovTech Lab is a joint initiative of the Ministry for Digitalisation and its technological arm, the Government IT Centre (CTIE). The GovTech Lab aims to encourage and support a culture of innovation and change within administrations in order to rethink existing procedures and operational flows, whilst integrating principles such as digital by default, design thinking or service by design into the development of new solutions.

'One of the strategic areas of focus of the ministry concerns the development of eGovernment solutions and the GovTech Lab will be an essential tool in this field. The key words of the Lab can be summed up like this: experiment, exchange, innovate'

Marc Hansen | Minister Delegate for Digitalisation

GovTechs are perceived as facilitators in exchanges between public administrations and citizens or businesses and between administrations themselves, which emphasizes the strong potential of GovTech solutions for the economy, the digital transformation and the attractiveness of the country.

Through open innovation, the GovTech Lab calls on knowledge from outside the State by bringing on innovative ideas, skills or technologies from companies, start-ups, freelancers, students or researchers who want to support and strengthen public services innovation. This methodology is already widely used in the private sector and is hereby introduced in the public sector.

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