Luxembourg for HEC Day 2017

The 2017 Luxembourg for HEC Day, a recruitment forum in Paris dedicated to Luxembourg, will take place on February 2, 2017 on the HEC Paris Campus.

HEC Alumni Luxembourg asbl and Digital Luxembourg are happy to invite 10 Luxembourg start-ups on their booth. The only investment on your side would be (1) your travel expenses and (2) your time. In order to secure your ticket for the Digital Luxembourg booth, please send an email to AND make sure you transfer 50 euros to the HEC Alumni bank account (LU94 0028 8100 4284 6900) within 3 days.

This is only a no-show deposit and will be returned to you if you are present at the Digital Luxembourg booth.

The first 10 start-ups (based on the reception date of the email and provided the money is on our account in due time) will be allowed to be present on campus.

Deadline for registration or cancellation: January 15, 2017 at midnight.

If you need to cancel your participation prior to that date, please let us know asap so that we can invite another start-up to join. 

digital luxembourg, a movement made by you