a new push to digitise government administrative processes

The push for the simplification of administrative processes announced as part of the modernization of the State involves digitizing administrative processes. The switch to digital technology should lead to greater efficiency for the Government and savings for all its clients (citizens and companies).

In a bid to accelerate the efforts already undertaken in this field, the government approved, on 24 July 2015, a series of principles for the implementation of a high-performance digital delivery of government services.

These guiding principles include “Digital by Default”, a key principle whereby any new law must take into consideration and incorporate its electronic implementation right from the planning stage.

The “once only” principle, which is just as important, compels public authorities to reuse the information already held by another authority, subject to the user’s express consent. The sole aim of this principle is to simplify administrative processes for clients.

Another core principle promoted by the government is transparency. For citizens, this means the possibility to access – in electronic form – the data that the authorities hold concerning them and to check which authorities have accessed their personal data.

Once this becomes possible, the aim will also be to give citizens the possibility to check the state of progress of the processing of their applications online.

In the meantime, the government has also approved the implementation of an Open Data portal. This portal is designed to host the public information of the State, the various government authorities and local authorities, as well as any person or entity wishing to share data in an ‘open data’ mode. The information will be accessible and usable by anyone, further bolstering the goal of transparency.

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